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Gen-X and the Technology Knowledge Gap
I’m Shocked By The Lack Of Technology Skills Possessed By Some In My Generation
I know my generation are not technology native, but we grew up with this stuff from an earlier age, not all of us had early access, but most of us did. I remember seeing my first microcomputer, a Tandy TRS-80 in about 1977 in the Radio Shack store in our small town of only about 3,000 people, I think the store owner even let up type on the keyboard sometimes, I was only 9-years-old.
Given that my generation, Generation-X, came of age at the start of the micro-computer revolution I am stunned by the lack of computer skills demonstrated by some of my peers. I will preface this statement by saying that I started teaching in a vocational college a little over a year ago. About 50% of the students that I teach are new to the country and are learning job based skills to find their first jobs, basically getting a North American perspective of things that they already have advanced degrees in.
The other 50% are my age, 50-plus, have lived their entire lives in our country. In some cases they may not even be able to turn a computer on, let alone use one for any meaningful purpose. I am serous when I say that some have never physically touched a PC keyboard. Some are even terrified that they will break the…