I have worked in Property Management and one thing I learned in my last job that was all single family homes, managing a bunch of single family homes is a shitshow. I had a portfolio of 150 homes spread across 4 municipalities around Red Deer Alberta. It cant be done economically or efficiently ny anybody at any price of rent charged. To do a 10 minute showing of an out of town property took up to 1.5 hours of time. You also can't do your regular periodic inspections efficiently, and then you get problems and property destruction if you don't do them.
If you own 150 homes you have 150 furnaces and 150 hot water tanks etc. And none of the brands are standard. In fact noting about 150 homes is standard, even if they are all built by the same builder.
Its big problem and big companies will eventually fail at this, This market is the privy of the small landlord that has 1-5 units, any more and it becomes an inefficient way to burn through money. But the big companies will have to find this out first hand I think.