I live in Canada, I like getting paid in Euro, US$, and UK Pounds, the exchange rate is almost always beneficial even if a little is shaved off the F/X. The biggest thing is that I keep my US currency in US Currency, I only transfer to C$ Cash once a month.
Those currencies always convert into more C$. I certainly understand that many in developing countries have difficulty in processing these transactions. I know first hand how difficult it can be, not being a US National, and getting signed up with, and paid in US$. Its a work around to say the least. Many companies won’t even allow you to freelance for them if you are not a US National, at least the ones that pay decently. I am lucky that I had set up a US bank account in person many many years ago, long before FACTA and many of the other regulations, so long ago that I don’t think anybody has ever bothered to check it out or verify information on me in the last 30 years. I have also had to be very creative with a lot of other work arounds for other activities that I engage in. I understand Crypto may be another way to open up things to many more people but I’m not sure that its a complication that I would want to get into, and some of the volatility, in it if you are someone that has to convert to local cash frequently my be too high to justify. In a down trend as we saw in 2018, every time you cashed out you would have taken a beating.