I've never liked the effects of heavy alcohol consumption on my body, but one summer when I was in University, we had a lot of parties at the Frat house, and while not drinking to the point of obliteration it was daily, and extended for hours at a time. I was probably never more than about 3 beers drunk at any point in time, as I said I don't really like being very drunk. I have many friends that like being drunk and it is a all in thing if they start.
My point being that when we stopped the daily party to get things ready to go back to school, there was certainly a level of withdrawal experienced, easily handled by me because I do not have an additive personality type I feel anyway, but there certainly were withdrawal symptoms.
For most of my life I have been a one beer after work a couple of times a week kind of guy, rarely more than 4 in a week, and about tow years ago I pretty much stopped even that. You know what, I really miss it, not sure if this is a low level addition type of thing, but it could be, I think my body really liked that little tiny bit of alcohol, not enough for impairment of any sort, but, enough for a micro-fix anyway, some times for months afterwards, I just really really really wanted a beer. I don't know if this is addiction and I am not making a point at the expense of those who have this life destroying level of addiction, but just saying that I think alcohol can be very subtle.
I know many binge drinkers, never touch the stuff between sessions, but when they do it is obliteration, then function normally for week or months without any, they actually say, " I don't drink casually or recreational", my brother is one of them.