Most of these dufus men who think they support this kind of crap couldn't afford to run their households if the women left the workforce to become full-time home makers. Raising kids is fucking expensive, I guess there is also an expectation that only the boys will get a college education but even that is in doubt with how fast college tuition is going up. The only way this would be possible is for all of these men to join labour and trade unions…which I am sure that they are also all against… and demand a workable living wage that will support a family on one income. “We would like to announce that we are putting the minimum wage up to the $60.00/hr.” I really don’t see this happening.
These jokers are blaming feminism on something that was rigged by corporate America, to debase wages to a no real growth level for the past 40 years while corporations and plutocrats, pocket 110% of every tax break that is passed by congress in the name of trickle down economics. Trickle Down Economics has done noting for the average worker, yes it has generated jobs, but jobs that don’t pay enough to be above the poverty line in most states. You can’t buy a house, raise kids, pay for college, or anything else on even three part-time jobs, and yet this is where so much of the job creation has happened.
America is far to fucking expensive to live in today without duel income families unless you want to live in abject poverty, and hunt for all of your dietary protein. Oh, I almost forgot, no cable tv or internet for you either.
Very few of these type of men are willing to give up the lifestyle that they live today to make this actually work. When men worked and women stayed home, most families didn’t have TV’s let alone many TV’s. The average home was 2 bedrooms, and under 1000 sq.ft. heaven forbid your children have to share bedrooms. Entertainment is now reduced to Friday night bowling for the men and family board game night… “no X Box for you buddy!” Oh you also have to park your car in the driveway because most homes do not have a garage…so you also don’t have room to store all of the crap you don’t use anymore but hold onto because you paid for it.
Further, our shit isn’t made to last anymore, except cars, I just got rid or an old console TV from my mothers house that we bought when I was still living at home over 37 years ago, yes it still worked. I just replaced one of my flat screens that was under 10 years old, and most people today don’t let their tech get even that old. When I moved my mother out of her home, she lived much like her parents did, most of the furniture and fixtures were in the 40 year old range, some appliances (used to be called durable goods) were closer to 50 years old. The kids today are not prepared to buy and hold onto things for that long, and most things won’t last that long even if we tried. But if you could, you could certainly save a lot of money…”sorry to see that Wal-Mart is filing for bankruptcy today”… because that is literally what would happen if we stopped buying stuff and make it last that long. There would be massive employment losses, and I guess they would all have to be women.
With women home all of the time, we would also expect about 90% of the meals to be home cooked. This is actually a good thing, the dietary content would improve dramatically, we would likely be healthier for this change. Too bad about the millions of job losses at all of those restaurants though. I remember in the 1970’s, my family only ate out at a restaurant 5 or 6 time a year if we were not travelling to visit out of town relatives and most of my friends were in the same boat. Once or twice a summer we got KFC and that was a big deal. I got to go to McDonald's two or three times a year, our nearest one was 49 miles away.
The big reason divorce was lower in the 1950’s and 60’s is that women didn’t work if they had kids, very few employers would hire women after they had children, thus these women had no way to financially support themselves even if they wanted to leave their abusive husbands. It also not all rose coloured glasses from the men’s side, many of these marriages were not happy and even sexless, people stayed together because that was what society expected, happiness was irrelevant.
“Holy fuck, what did you do to get divorced, your are a really terrible person to do that, where is your manhood?, you promised this woman and your children to take care of them for better or worse!”