This is so true, it was not that long ago, even in my mothers age group in rural America in the 1950's and 1960's where farm girls were literally married off the the farm hands as an almost economic transaction, get the hungry mouth to feed off of the farm. Often there was little romance and a very short courtship. Love and dating for a year or more, not likely.
And many of these men were low status, but could work with their hands, often became farmers before the price of entry was $1 million plus for land alone. These men could provide for the women who stayed at home and had lots of children. Many of these women were teenagers, married to men in their 20's, and many states still have laws on the books that reflect the realities of this in the form of antiquated consent laws.
My mom lives with many of these women in her care home now. My mom was lucky, she lived 1 mile from a town with a high school, if you lived much further you had to have room and board because it was too far to travel to go beyond grade 8, and the farms could not provide for this cost, thus the girls were often married off, with little say in the matter. Many of these women lived good lives, and became to love their husbands, some not so much, some had really mean husbands, and no way out…isolated on a farm, a long way from other people, and no education or other tangible economic resources to escape this life.
I suspect that many of these men would have been today’s INCELS.
It doesn’t help than many of the INCELS are hyper-focused on the most beautiful women either, it seems that they focus on what nearly 100% of men would consider high beauty, and anything less than that is not good enough.
I know I’m not supper rich, super tall, or super handsome, I married appropriately, I love my beautiful wife but she will never be a super model by public standards. And also, yes all women have a type, its kinda of freaky, but I have seen pictures of my wife’s past S/O’s, and they all kinda look like me.